1. 水稻病毒与水稻,寄主昆虫载体互作机理
2. 水稻和昆虫抗病毒机理研究
1. 水稻黄矮病毒M蛋白调控黑尾叶蝉多胺合成途径的分子机制,国家自然基金面上项目,31871931,在研,主持
2. 福建水稻病毒病害调查与特色农药减施增效技术集成示范,国家重点研发项目子课题,2018YFD0200300,在研,主持
3. 利用叶蝉细胞瞬时表达系统研究水稻瘤矮病毒在介体细胞内的增殖机制,国家自然科学基金青年基金,31601602,结题,主持;
4. 水稻黄矮病毒侵染介体叶蝉嗜神经性机理的研究,福建农林大学杰青项目,在研,主持
5. 水稻黄矮病毒在介体叶蝉体内复制和扩散机制的研究,福建农林大学植物保护学院青年教师科研基金项目,结题,主持;
1. Xiao-Feng Zhang*, Tianbao Zeng*, Yunjie Xie, Yuemin Zheng, Huanqin Wang, Hanbin Lin, Zongwen Wang, Taiyun Wei#. Rice yellow stunt virus activates polyamine biosynthesis to promote viral propagation in insect vectors by disrupting ornithine decarboxylase antienzyme function. Science China Life Sciences 2020. (一区)
2. Haitao Wang, Juan Wang, Qian Zhang, Tianbao Zeng, Yuemin Zheng, Hongyan Chen, Xiaofeng Zhang#, Taiyun Wei#. Rice yellow stunt nucleorhabdovirus matrix protein mediates viral axonal transport in the central nervous system of its insect vecto. Frontiers in Microbiology 2019. (二区)
3. Xiaofeng Zhang*, Yunjie Xie*, Haitao Wang, Juan Wang, Hongyan Chen, Tianbao Zeng, Yuemin Zheng, and Taiyun Wei#. Exploration of an Actin Promoter-Based Transient Expression Vector to Trace the Cellular Localization of Nucleorhabdovirus Proteins in Leafhopper Cultured Cells. Frontiers in Microbiology 2018. (二区)
4. Xiao-Feng Zhang*,Shaoyan Zhang, Qin Guo,Rong Sun, Taiyun Wei andFeng Qu2*. A new mechanistic model for viral cross protection and superinfection exclusion. Frontiers in plant science. 2018. (二区)
5. Haitao Wang, Juan Wang, Yunjie Xie, Zhijun Fu, Taiyun Wei#, Xiaofeng Zhang#. Development of leafhopper cell culture to trace the early infection process of a nucleorhabdovirus, rice yellow stunt virus, in insect vector cells. Virology Journal 15:72 2018. (四区)
6. Xiaofeng Zhang, Rong Sun, Qin Guo, Shaoyan Zhang, Dawei Li, and Feng Qu*.A self-perpetuating repressive state of a viral replication protein blocks superinfection by the same virus. Plos Pathogens. 2017(一区)
7. Xiaofeng Zhang†2,3,4, Xiuchun Zhang*†1,2, Kunxin Wu1, Zhixin Liu1, Dawei Li3, and Feng Qu*.Incomplete DRB4-dependence of the DCL4-mediated antiviral defense. Scientific reports.2016, 6, 39244(三区)
8. Xiaofeng Zhang, Jiangbo Guo, Xiuchun Zhang, Tea Meulia, Dawei Li, Laurence V. Madden, Feng Qu.Random Plant Viral Variants Attain Temporal Advantages During Systemic Infections and in Turn Resist other Variants of the Same Virus. Scientific reports.2015, 5, 15346(三区)
9. Xiaofeng Zhang,Xiaofei Zhao,Yanjing Zhang,Shaofang Niu,Chenggui Han, Jialin Yu, Dawei Li. N-terminal basic amino acid residues ofBeet black scorch virus capsid protein play a critical role in virion assembly and systemic movement.Virology Journal.2013, 10 (1):No. 200(四区)