发布时间 :2023-03-28      浏览:8698









20069-20137月 ,中国农业大学,获博士学位

20029-20067月 ,中国农业大学,获学士学位






广东广康生化科技股份有限公司. 2019GK01-1,植物病原菌对杀菌剂(GK01)的抗性风险评估,2019/08-2021/08,主持



福建省自然基金面上项目, 2015J01086CYP51变异及群体多样性在马铃薯早疫病菌对苯醚甲环唑的抗性进化中的作用,2015.4-2018.4,主持


Yingying Cao, Minfeng Lu, Jinhui Chen, Wenyan Li, Mo Wang* and Fengping Chen*. Identification of Ossnrk1a−1 regulated genes associated with rice immunity and seed set. Plants, 2024, 13: 596.  

Dufang Ke, Han Meng, Wenting Lei, Yulong Zheng, Linhan Li, Mingyi Wang, Rui Zhong, Mo Wang, Fengping Chen. Prevalence of H6Y mutation in β-tubulin causing thiophanate-methyl resistant in Monilinia fructicola from Fujian, China. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2022, 188: 105262.

Hongchun Ruan, Peiyu Tian, Niuniu Shi, Yixin Du, Furu Chen*, Fengping Chen*. Characterization of pyraclostrobin-resistant Magnaporthe oryzae. Journal of Phytopathology, 2022.

Dongfeng Guo, Linhan Li, Zhen Lei, Yue Zhang, Lixuan Meng, Yuting Zeng, Wen Zhu, and Fengping Chen. First report of late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans in potato in Tibet, China. Plant disease, 2022: PDIS08211660PDN.

Yue Zhang, Qian Zhou, Peiyu Tian, Yuan Li, Guohua Duan, Dongliang Li, Jiasui Zhan*, Fengping Chen*. Induced expression of CYP51 associated with difenoconazole resistance in the pathogenic Alternaria sect. on potato in China. Pest Management Science, 2020, 76(5): 1751-1760.

Yuan Li, Susan Satie Tsuji, Mengjun Hu, Marcos Paz Saraiva Camara, Sami Jorge Michereff, Guido Schnabel, Fengping Chen*. Characterization of difenoconazole resistance in Lasiodiplodia theobromae from papaya in Brazil. Pest Management Science, 2020, 76(4): 1344-1352.  

Fengping Chen, Susan Satie Tsuji, Yuan Li, Mengjun Hu, Moara Alexandrino Bandeira, Marcos Paz Saraiva Camara, Sami Jorge Michereff, Guido Schnabel. Reduced sensitivity of azoxystrobin and thiophanate-methyl resistance in Lasiodiplodia theobromae from papaya. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2020, 162: 60-68.

Fengping Chen, Qian Zhou, Chunfang Qin, Yuan Li, Jiasui Zhan. Low evolutionary risk of iprovalicarb resistance in Phytophthora infestans. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2018(11), 152:76-83.

Fengping Chen, Qian Zhou, Jing Xi, Dong-Liang Li, Guido Schnabel, Jiasui Zhan*. Analysis of RPA190 revealed multiple positively selected mutations associated with metalaxyl resistance in Phytophthora infestans, Pest Management Science, 2018,74(8):1916-1924  

Fengping Chen, Guo-Hua Duan, Dong-Liang Li and Jiasui Zhan. Host resistance and temperature-dependent evolution of aggressiveness in the plant pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2017, 8:1217.

Fengping Chen, Sydney E. Everhart, P. Karen Brysone, Chaoxi Luo, Xi Song, Xili Liu, Guido Schnabel. Fungicide-induced transposon movement in Monilinia fructicola. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2015,85:38-44

Fengping Chen, Dong Lin, Jingyuan Wang, Botao Li, Hongxia Duan, Junli Liu, Xili Liu. Heterologous expression of the Monilinia fructicolaCYP51(MfCYP51) gene in Pichia pastoris confirms the mode of action of the novel fungicide, SYP-Z048. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015, 6:457.

Fengping Chen, Ping Han, Pengfei Liu, Naiguo Si, Junli Liu & Xili Liu. Activity of the novel fungicide SYP-Z048 against plant pathogens. Scientific reports. 2014, 4: 6473.  

Chen F, Everhart SE, Bridges WC, Liu X, Schnabel G. Studies on sensitivity reduction in solo and mixture treatments and fungicide-induced mutagenesis in Monilinia fructicola. In: Modern fungicides and antifungal compounds. Deutsche phytomedizinische gesellschaft.ISBN:978-3-941261-13-6

Chen F., Liu X., Schnabel G. Field strains of Monilinia fructicola resistant to both methyl benzimidazole carbamate and demethylase inhibitor fungicides isolated from stone fruit orchards in the eastern United States. Plant Disease. 2013, 97:1063-1068.  

Chen F., Liu X., Chen, S., Schnabel E., Schnabel G. Characterization of Monilinia fructicola strains resistant to both propiconazole and boscalid. Plant Disease. 2013, 97:645-651.  

郭东锋,钟林宇,周挺,张玥,李林翰,周倩,陈凤平.马铃薯晚疫病菌对甲霜灵抗性的快速检测方法.植物保护学报, 2023, 50(1):214-223.

陈凤平,郑钰珑,周挺,张玥,黄中乔,刘西莉.不同类型Monilinia fructicola菌株的温度适应性及其对苯并咪唑类杀菌剂和乙霉威的交互抗性.农药学学报, 2021, 23(1):97-106.  

陈凤平,张玥,周挺,李雄,刘西莉.不同寄主来源的Monilinia fructicola 对多菌灵的敏感性及其遗传结构特征.农药学学报, 2020, 22(3): 423-431.

陈凤平,李冬亮,王婉真,周挺,詹家绥.马铃薯致病疫霉对嘧菌酯和氟吡菌胺的敏感性检测.农药,2015, 54(12): 923-926.


陈凤平,胡杨,冯建军,周挺,顾钢,徐进,詹家绥.一株能够降解土壤残留二氯喹啉酸的菌株. 2019.12.中国. ZL.201710258179.4

陈凤平,乔子珊,周倩,张玥,周挺,顾钢,詹家绥.一株能够降解土壤残留二氯喹啉酸的菌株. 2019.11.中国. ZL.201710258585.0

顾钢,范洁茹,周挺,徐进,陈凤平,周倩,张玥.一株能够降解土壤残留二氯喹啉酸的不动杆菌. 2019.9.中国. ZL.201710267837.6

刘西莉,陈凤平,刘敏,李健强,黄中乔,韩平,刘鹏飞.一种防治番茄灰霉病的复配杀菌剂. 2012.4.中国. ZL.200910078856.x





 1) 省级科特派(202220212020

 2) 《农药学学报》青年编委常委(2022.7-2025.6

 3) 多个期刊审稿专家:《Plant Disease》、《Pest Management Science》、《Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology》、《Crop Protection》、《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》、《Plant Pathology》、《Phytophthology Research》、《Journal of Fungi》、《农药学学报》、《植物病理学报》、《中国农业科学》、《中国生物防治学报》等。