发布时间 :2021-01-02      浏览:12746



    教授、博士、博士生导师,现任福建农林大学生物农药和化学生物学教育部重点实验室副主任,兼任国家菌草工程技术研究中心副主任。为中国菌物学会植物病原菌物专业委员会委员和福建省植物病理学会副理事长。曾赴香港科技大学、美国Ohio State UniversityTexas A & M University从事访问学者和博士后研究多年。2006年入选“福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划”和福建省“百千万人才工程”人选。2016年入选第二批福建省特殊支持人才“百千万工程领军人才”。







22016.01-2017.12,调控无毒基因表达的稻瘟菌转录因子的鉴定和功能分析,  海外及港澳学者合作研究基金,国内负责人

32016.01-2019.12, MoCreA介导的稻瘟菌碳代谢阻遏途径及调控病菌生长和致病机制的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,负责人






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2)Han Y-j, Zhong Z-h, Song L-l, Olsson S, Wang Z-h,Lu G-d*. Evolutionary analysis of plantjacalin-related lectins (JRLs) family and expression of rice JRLs in response toMagnaporthe oryzae. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(17)61809-4. Online Date:2017-11-16

3)Zhu K-p, Bao J-d, Zhang L-h,Yang X, Li Y, Zhu M-h, Lin Q-y, Zhao A, ZhaoZ, Zhou B*,LuG-d*. Comparative analysis of the genome of the field isolate V86010 of the rice blast fungusMagnaporthe oryzae from Philippines. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(10): 2222-2230.

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6)Li Y, Zhu J, Hu J, Meng X, Zhang Q, Zhu K, Chen X, Chen X, Li G, Wang Z, Lu G*. Functional characterization of electron-transferring flavoprotein and its dehydrogenase required for fungal development and plant infection by the rice blast fungus. Sci Rep. 2016, Apr 26; 6:24911.

7)Zhang C, Wang J, Tao H, Dang X, Wang Y, Chen M, Zhai Z, Yu W, Xu L, Shim W-B,Lu G * and Wang Z*.FvBck1, a component of cell wall integrity MAP kinase pathway, is required for virulence and oxidative stress response in sugarcane Pokkah Boeng pathogen. Front. Microbiol. 2015,6:1096.

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9)Qi Y-y, Liang Z-m, Zhou J, Wang Z-h,Lu G-d*, Li G-p*.Magnaporthe Rab5homologs show    distinct functions in nerve growth factor

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10)Qi Y, Marlin MC, Liang Z, Berry WL, Janknecht R, Zhou J, Wang Z,Lu G*, Li G*. Distinct Biochemical and Functional Properties of Two Rab5 Homologs from the Rice Blast FungusMagnaporthe oryzae.J Biol Chem. 2014, 289(41):28299-309.

11)Yang W, Zhang H, Li M, Wang Z, Zhou J, Wang S,Lu G*, Fu F*. Early diagnosis of blast fungus,Magnaporthe grisea, in rice plant by using an ultra-sensitive electrically magnetic-controllable electrochemical biosensor. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2014, 850, (19):85-91  

12)Chen, B., Li, L.-W., Lin, Y.-J., Wang, Z.-H. andLu, G.-D*. Evaluation of seedling resistance of rice germplasm resources to sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani). Cereal Research Communications. 2014, 42(3): 495





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