发布时间 :2023-05-12      浏览:13










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2.Liu, M., Hu, J., Zhang, A., Dai, Y., Chen, W., He, Y., Zhang, H., Zheng, X., and Zhang, Z. (2021). Auxilin-like protein MoSwa2 promotes effector secretion and virulence as a clathrin uncoating factor in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. New Phytol 230, 720-736.

3.Liu, M., Zhang, S., Hu, J., Sun, W., Padilla, J., He, Y., Li, Y., Yin, Z., Liu, X., Wang, W., et al. (2019). Phosphorylation-guarded light-harvesting complex II contributes to broad-spectrum blast resistance in rice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116, 17572-17577.

4.Li, Y., Liu, X., Liu, M., Wang, Y., Zou, Y., You, Y., Yang, L., Hu, J., Zhang, H., Zheng, X., et al. (2020). Magnaporthe oryzae auxiliary activity protein MoAa91 functions as chitin-binding protein to induce appressorium formation on artificial inductive surfaces and suppress plant immunity. mBio 11.

5.Yu, R., Shen, X., Liu, M., Liu, X., Yin, Z., Li, X., Feng, W., Hu, J., Zhang, H., Zheng, X., et al. (2021). The rice blast fungus MoRgs1 functioning in cAMP signaling and pathogenicity is regulated by casein kinase MoCk2 phosphorylation and modulated by membrane protein MoEmc2. PLoS Pathog 17, e1009657.