高芳銮,博士,博士生导师,九三学社社员,福建农林大学植物保护学院研究员,福建省级高层次人才(C类),现任福建省植物病毒工程研究中心主任,长期从事植物病毒的检测、鉴定及其分子进化研究,以第一作者和通讯作者在《Virus Evolution》、《Evolutionary Applications》和《中国农业科学》等国内外期刊发表学术论文40多篇,其中SCI论文27篇,出版编著《生物信息学分析实践》(科学出版社)1 部(主编),获得福建省技术发明奖三等奖和福建省科学技术进步奖三等奖各1项、福建省标准贡献奖二等奖1项,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、福建省自然科学基金面上项目2项和海南省院士创新平台科研专项1项,登记计算机软件著作权1项,参与制定国家标准、行业标准7项。
2003年9月-2006年7月 ,福建农林大学植物病理学,获农学硕士学位
1998年9月-2002年7月 ,福建农林大学植物保护专业,获农学学士学位
(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目《基于广义线性模型的马铃薯Y病毒贝叶斯谱系地理研究》(32370100),在研;
(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目《我国马铃薯Y病毒群体的适应性进化机制研究》(31772103),已结题;
(3) 海南省院士创新平台科研专项,海南槟榔病毒种类鉴定、快速检测技术及分子流行规律的研究(YSPTZX202151),在研;
(4) 福建省自然科学基金面上项目《基于贝叶斯谱系动力学的水仙黄条病毒群体时空动态特征研究》(2019J01653),已结题;
(5) 福建省自然科学基金面上项目《南方马铃薯Y病毒的群体结构分析》(2013J01088),已结题;
(6) 福建省教育厅科技项目《马铃薯Y病毒福建群体HC-pro、CP基因的遗传多样性分析》(JA12119),已结题;
(1) 2020年,《适应性进化和群体历史动态导致中日两国马铃薯Y病毒遗传结构的差异》,第十四届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文,二等奖(排名1/1);
(2) 2016年,《我国马铃薯Y病毒的检测及CP基因的分子变异》,第十二届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文,三等奖(排名1/1);
(3) 2020年,《进出境重要花卉、果树和蔬菜病毒快速检测关键技术及应用》,2019年度福建省科学技术进步奖,三等奖(排名4/5);
(4) 2015年,《水仙病毒快速检疫鉴定技术及应用》,2014年度福建省技术发明奖,三等奖(排名2/5);
(1) “大北农杯”第一届全国农林院校研究生学术科技作品竞赛二等奖(邹文超和沈林林等《采用多基因联合方法鉴定福建长乐和福清产区马铃薯Y 病毒株系组成》);
(3) 福建农林大学优秀硕士研究生学位论文资助基金资助(许瑜婷和陈细红);
30 Chen, X., Shen, J.*, Li, M., Gao, Y., Du, Z., Gao, F. *, 2023. The occurrence and genetic variability of tea plant necrotic ring blotch virus in Fujian Province, China. Forests 14, 1755.
29 Li, X., Xie, L., Chen, X., Chen, J., Shen, J.*, Gao, F. *, 2023. Complete genomic sequence of turnip mosaic virus infecting passionfruit in Fujian province of China. Journal of Plant Pathology. 105, 1123–1127.
28 Xiang, C.Y., Gao, F., Jakovlić, I., Lei, H.P., Hu, Y., Zhang, H., Zou, H., Wang, G.T., Zhang, D.*, 2023. Using PhyloSuite for molecular phylogeny and tree-based analyses. iMeta 2, e87.
27 Wu, K., Yang, Y., Zhang, W., Jiang, X., Zhuang, W., Gao, F.*, Du, Z.*, 2022. Bayesian phylogeographic inference suggests Japan as the center for the origin and dissemination of rice stripe virus. Viruses 14, 2547.
26 Yu, C., Lian, Q., Lin, H., Chen, L., Lu, Y., Zhai, Y., Han, X., Du, Z., Gao, F. *, Wu, Z. *, 2021. A clade of telosma mosaic virus from Thailand is undergoing geographical expansion and genetic differentiation in passionfruit of Vietnam and China. Phytopathology Research 3, 24.
25 Xu, Y., Zhang, S., Shen, J., Wu, Z., Du, Z.*, Gao, F. *, 2021. The phylogeographic history of tomato mosaic virus in Eurasia. Virology 554, 42-47.
24 Chen, X., Lin, S., Shen, J., Liao, F., Chen, S., Gao, F.*, 2021.Complete genome analysis of a divergent isolate of narcissus yellow stripe virus from China. Journal of Plant Pathology103, 605-609.
23 Kawakubo, S., Gao, F., Li, S., Tan, Z., Huang Y. K., Adkar-Purushothama, C. R., Gurikar, C., Maneechoat, P., Chiemsombati, P., Ayej, S. S., Furuyak, N., Shevchenkol, O., Špakm, J., Škorićn D., Ho, S. Y. W., Ohshima K.*, 2021. Genomic analysis of the brassica pathogen turnip mosaic potyvirus reveals its spread along the former trade routes of the Silk Road. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, e2021221118.
22 Gao, F., Kawakubo, S., Ho, S.Y.W., Ohshima, K.*, 2020. The evolutionary history and global spatio-temporal dynamics of potato virus Y. Virus Evolution 6, veaa056.
21Yang, J., Fang, D., Shen, J., Chen, X., Gao, F. *, 2020. Molecular characterization of tobacco ringspot virus from Iris ensata. European Journal of Plant Pathology158, 805-809.
20Gao, F., Chen, C., Li, B., Weng, Q., Chen, Q. *, 2020. The gene flow direction of geographically distinct Phytophthora infestans populations in China corresponds with the route of seed potato exchange. Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 1077.
19 Zhang, D., Gao, F., Li, W.X., Jakovlić, I., Zou, H., Zhang, J., Wang, G.T.*, 2020. PhyloSuite: an integrated and scalable desktop platform for streamlined molecular sequence data management and evolutionary phylogenetics studies. Molecular Ecology Resources 20, 348-355. (高被引论文)
18 Xie, L., Gao, F. *, Shen, J., Zhang, X., Zheng, S., Zhang, L., Li, T. *, 2020. Molecular characterization of two recombinant isolates of telosma mosaic virus infecting Passiflora edulis from Fujian Province in China. PeerJ 8, e8576.
17 Mao, Y. +, Sun, X. +, Shen, J., Gao, F.*, Qiu, G., Wang, T., Nie, X., Zhang, W., Gao, Y., Bai, Y. *, 2019. Molecular evolutionary analysis of potato virus Y infecting potato based on the VPg gene. Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 1708.
16 Gao, F. +*, Chen, C. + *, Arab, D.A., Du, Z., He, Y., Ho, S.Y.W., 2019. EasyCodeML: A visual tool for analysis of selection using CodeML. Ecology and Evolution 9, 3891-3898. (高被引论文)
15 Gao, F. +, Liu, X., Du, Z., Hou, H., Wang, X., Wang, F., Yang, J., 2019. Bayesian phylodynamic analysis reveals the dispersal patterns of tobacco mosaic virus in China. Virology 528, 110-117.
14 Xie, L., Gao, F. *, Zheng, S., Zhang, X., Zhang, L., Li, T. *, 2019. Molecular characterization of a new potyvirus infecting passion fruit. Archives of Virology 164, 1903-1906.
13 Duan, G., Zhan, F., Du, Z., Ho, S.Y.W., Gao, F.*, 2018. Europe was a hub for the global spread of potato virus S in the 19th century. Virology 525, 200-204.
12 Guan, X., Yang, C., Fu, J., Du, Z., Ho, S.Y.W., Gao, F. *, 2018. Rapid evolutionary dynamics of pepper mild mottle virus. Virus Research 256, 96-99.
11 Gao, F., Shen, J., Liao, F., Cai, W., Lin, S., Yang, H., Chen, S., 2018. The first complete genome sequence of narcissus latent virus from Narcissus. Archives of Virology 165, 1383-1386.
10 Gao, F., Du, Z., Shen, J., Yang, H., Liao, F., 2018. Genetic diversity and molecular evolution of ornithogalum mosaic virus based on the coat protein gene sequence. PeerJ 6, e4550.
9Gao, F., Zou, W., Xie, L., Zhan, J., 2017. Adaptive evolution and demographic history contribute to the divergent population genetic structure of potato virus Y between China and Japan. Evolutionary Applications 10, 379-390.
8 Gao, F., Lin, W., Shen, J., Liao, F., 2016. Genetic diversity and molecular evolution of arabis mosaic virus based on the CP gene sequence. Archives of Virology 161, 1047-1051.
7 Gao, F., Jin, J., Zou, W., Liao, F., Shen, J., 2016. Geographically driven adaptation of chilli veinal mottle virus revealed by genetic diversity analysis of the coat protein gene. Archives of Virology 161, 1329-1333.
6 Gao, F., Chang, F. +, Shen, J., Shi, F., Xie, L., Zhan, J., 2014. Complete genome analysis of a novel recombinant isolate of potato virus Y from China. Archives of virology 159, 3439-3442.
5 He, Y., Gao, F. +, Shen, J., Liao, F., Chen, X., Zhang, H., Yang, H., Chen, S., 2019. A multiplex RT-PCR method for the simultaneous detection of narcissus yellow stripe virus, narcissus latent virus and narcissus mosaic virus. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 41, 115-123.
4 Tang, Y., Gao, F. +, Yang, Z., Wu, Z., Yang, L., 2016. Complete genome analysis of jasmine virus T from Jasminum sambac in China. Archives of Virology 161, 2033-2036.
3 Lin, W., Gao, F. +, Yang, W., Yu, C., Zhang, J., Chen, L., Wu, Z., Hsu, Y.-H., Xie, L., 2016. Molecular characterization and detection of a recombinant isolate of bamboo mosaic virus from China. Archives of Virology 161, 1091-1094.
2 Chang, F., Gao, F. +, Shen, J., Zou, W., Zhao, S., Zhan, J., 2015. Complete genome analysis of a PVYN-Wi recombinant isolate from Solanum tuberosum in China. Potato Research 58, 377-389.
1 Xu, M., Gao, F.+, Yang, J., Wu, J., Xie, L., Chi, Y., 2014. Complete genome sequence of peanut stripe virus isolated in China. Journal of Phytopathology 162, 828-832.
15陈细红, 蔡伟, 虞赟, 李敏, 王念武, 杜振国, 沈建国*, 高芳銮*, 2024. 福建省茶树病毒种类鉴定及多重PCR检测技术的建立.中国农业科学 57,698-710.
14关夏玉, 陈细红, 郭菁, 吕浩阳, 梁晨媛, 高芳銮*, 2024. 建兰花叶病毒的遗传变异及其寄主适应性. 园艺学报51, 203-212.
13许瑜婷, 丁莹, 沈建国, 陈细红, 章淑玲, 杜振国, 高芳銮*, 2023. 福建茶树潜隐病毒1的检测及全基因组序列特征. 植物病理学报, 53, 386-394.
12邹林峰+, 涂丽琴+, 沈建国, 杜振国, 蔡伟, 季英华*, 高芳銮*, 2020. 番茄褪绿病毒的进化动态与适应性进化特征.中国农业科学 53, 4791-4801.
11杨宏凯, 杨晶文, 沈建国*, 蔡伟, 高芳銮*, 2020. 辣椒脉斑驳病毒的多基因联合检测与鉴定.中国农业科学 53, 3412-3420.
10邹文超, 沈林林, 沈建国, 蔡伟, 詹家绥, 高芳銮*, 2017. 马铃薯Y 病毒多基因系统发育分析及其在株系鉴定中的应用. 遗传 39, 918-929.
9蔡伟, 杨宏凯, 沈建国, 邹文超, 高芳銮*, 2017. 全基因组序列的系统发育与重组分析鉴定我国马铃薯Y病毒株系. 激光生物学报 26, 350-359.
8沈林林, 邹文超, 高芳銮*, 詹家绥*, 2016. 采用多基因联合方法鉴定福建长乐和福清产区马铃薯Y病毒株系组成.中国农业科学 49, 3918-3926.
7沈建国+, *, 高芳銮+,蔡伟, 金晶, 廖富荣, 吴祖建*, 2016. 进境大豆种子上菜豆荚斑驳病毒和大豆花叶病毒的多重RT-PCR检测. 中国农业科学 49, 667-676.
6高芳銮, 常飞, 沈建国, 谢联辉, 詹家绥, 2015. PVYNTN-NW榆林分离物的全基因组序列测定与分析. 中国农业科学, 48, 270-279.
5史凤阳, 高芳銮+, 沈建国, 常飞, 詹家绥, 2014. 马铃薯Y病毒福建分离物P1基因的分子变异和结构特征. 遗传 36, 713-722.
4高芳銮, 沈建国, 史凤阳, 方治国, 谢联辉, 詹家绥, 2013. 我国马铃薯Y病毒的检测及CP基因的分子变异. 中国农业科学 46, 3125-3133.
3高芳銮,沈建国, 史凤阳, 常飞, 谢联辉, 詹家绥, 2013. 马铃薯Y病毒pipo基因的分子变异及结构特征分析. 遗传 35, 1125-1134.
2高芳銮, 范国成, 沈建国, 谢荔岩, 林奇英, 吴祖建, 谢联辉, 2009. 水稻瘤矮病毒P8蛋白的结构分析及其表达. 中国生物工程杂志29, 51-56.
1高芳銮, 范国成, 谢荔岩, 黄美英, 吴祖建, 2008. 呼肠孤病毒科的系统发育分析. 激光生报学报 17, 486-490.
吴祖建, 高芳銮, 沈建国. 生物信息学分析实践. 北京:科学出版社, 2010
高芳銮,陈程杰. 自然选择的可视化分析工具EasyCodeML软件[简称EasyCodeML] v1.21
长期担任《Virus Evolution》、《Plant Disease》、《Plant Pathology》、《Virus Research》、《Virology》《Scientific Reports》、《Frontiers in Public Health》、《Infection, Genetics and Evolution》、《PLoS ONE》、《PeerJ》、《Ecology and Evolution》、《Archives of Virology》、《European Journal of Plant Pathology》、《中国农业科学》、《中国农业大学学报》、《植物病理学报》、《园艺学报》和《农业生物技术学报》等国内外专业期刊的审稿人。
电子信箱: raindy (at) fafu.edu.cn